Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mozilla Community

As PR for Mozilla, I'm on the email alias for press inquiries. This means that I frequently see more spam in a day than most people see in a week. I get a ton of misdirected email and filter through it all to find the media requests that require attention. Through all the noise, I occasionally get an email that stands out, one that demonstrates the passion that people feel for Mozilla and Firefox.

Today, I got the following email from a boy named Brody:

Dear Mozilla,
I am fond of you internet service.
In fact, I drew it.
The notebook paper drawing is simply just the logo.
The other one-
Well, that's Scrap Paper from today's test.
It's a picture of the FireFox licking an Ice Cream.
The Caption reads:
We're so nice,
We'll even make you ice cream.
Good job.
Clicking away:
--Brody K. B.

Brody and I emailed a bit and then I talked to his dad (hi Don!) who agreed to let me share Brody's drawings with the entire Mozilla community. A big thank you to Brody for sending in his drawings!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


i came into this world bald as a ping pong ball. b-a-l-d. until i was about three, strangers would walk up to my parents and say, "my, what an adorable little boy" because i was bald. my first haircut is somewhere in my parents house. despite how creepy that sounds, i genuinely think it's because they were so relieved that there was finally enough of it to cut.

i've always hated haircuts...
that is...
until i met glenda.

glenda just cut off nine inches of my hair.

i haven't had hair this short since i was about five years old.

it's nice. i'm using a lot less shampoo.